The Books

Other books by Maud Hart Lovelace set in Deep Valley:

Carney's House Party (1949)
[between Betsy and Joe and Betsy and the Great World]
Emily of Deep Valley (1950)
[between Betsy and Joe and Betsy and the Great World but after Carney's House Party]

[around Betsy-Tacy and Tib or Betsy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill]

**I couldn't find the original cover (at least I think they are all original covers; I'm not entirely sure) for Carney's House Party, so I used the cover of the recent reissue. I love the covers on the latest editions but I wanted a picture for each book and the current reprints, all except Emily of Deep Valley, have combined one or more books into one volume. I imagine this is cheaper, but I still hold out for when they are reprinted separately, with the great covers.**

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